TLDR: The vintage PalmCast went offline, I fixed it. Listen here:
Longer version: The retro podcast directory I built for webOS actually works for any old platform that can't do modern HTTPS. While building it, @h8pewou scraped and pulled together the MP3s from Dieter Bohn's original PalmCast (used to be TreoCast) and I came up with a clever method of substituting the paths in the still-online feed XML so that you could subscribe to it from any podcast client again.
That feed XML went offline recently, making the podcast disappear from search. Although we still have the mp3 files, without a source feed, they weren't referenced by anything. Fortunately, we had a backup of that feed. Equally fortunately, I'd built-in a back-up method of restoring feeds. So PalmCast is back from the dead -- a second time!